一个美女 在墨尔本,自己考的移民律师牌照,雅思四个7分,绝对靠谱代考,良心代考 还想不被骗吗?

发布:aoya168 | 分类:雅思考试 | 引用:0 | 浏览:

8 Jan 2017
Scientists often tell people what activities are good for the health of people, while others are bad. But most people continue with unhealthy activities. Why? Solutions.

It is a fact that scientists know what it is best for our body and which activities we should practise to remain or become healthy. However, we often see people surround us often do the contrary to what being told by the scientists. Here are some reasons that people continue with unhealthy activities as well as suggestions that may help people to change their behaviour.
The reasons that people behave unhealthily can be summarized into the following three words and phrases: unconsciousness, laziness and lack of motivation for change.
Despite the fact that scientists have the knowledge of how to lead a healthy life, we ordinary people seldom realize what activities have a positive impact on our health. For example, white-collars that work in the office sit for a long period of time during the day. Day after day, those people sit there without knowing that their back is being harmed at the same time! They are simply unconscious of the harm that being remain seated for a long time can do to them.
Sometimes even after people understand what is bad or good for them, they still choose to not change. This is often due to the reason that they are lazy. Getting up from the chair every now and then to do one or two minutes of exercise is too hard in their mind. Another reason for the continuous of bad habits is that there is a lack of motivation for them to do otherwise. There is not enough publicity for living healthily, and how doing healthy activities can have other positive impacts on one’s life.
One suggestion for people to behave healthily is to boost publicity of leading a healthy life. Government and other health organizations should promote the importance of doing constructive activities on magazines, newspapers, TV and social media. The other suggestion is for people who are already doing exercise to try to influence the other people in their lives. A friend’s words are normally more powerful than any advertisements.
It is essential that not only scientists understand what’s best for our body, but also other people understand and behaves in ways that’s best for us.

0评论 - 一个美女 在墨尔本,自己考的移民律师牌照,雅思四个7分,绝对靠谱代考,良心代考 还想不被骗吗?






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